About Us

Our Church
Our congregation at Destiny House Church Acton comprises a vibrant tapestry of individuals originating from diverse backgrounds and nations. We deeply cherish this diversity and are always elated to embrace new members. Our sincerest wish is for you to feel not just a visitor, but a part of our warm and welcoming family.
Sunday mornings at our church are filled with joy, beginning with a heartening welcome and an open invitation to join us in celebrating the life-altering message of Jesus Christ. Our worship sessions are a harmonious blend of traditional hymns and contemporary songs, designed to create a dynamic, lively environment that reverberates with praises lifted in His name. It is during these moments that we anticipate divine encounters, expecting God to meet us, touch our hearts, and guide us with His wisdom.
Beyond the walls of our church, we are deeply committed to serving our local community. We collaborate with various organizations, as well as initiate our own community projects, to tangibly express God's love. This active involvement in our community is a hallmark of our faith in action.
Destiny House Church Acton is one of three spirited churches in the heart of London, each living out its commitment to the community and faith in their unique ways.
Our mission is to share God's profound love through Jesus Christ, propelled by the power of the Holy Spirit. We strive to reach every man, woman, youth, student, and child in our community, our city, and our nation, living out the Great Commission as conveyed in Matthew 28:18-20.
Our Mission
Revive Hearts...
Restore Hope...
Rebuild Lives...
Christ's Way
Through Worship & Prayer
Through Family & Community
Through Missions & Church Planting